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Balsa, Balsa (Balsa, Ochroma pyramidale) - a deciduous tree native to tropical America. Grown so well in India and South East Asia. The color of wood is almost white with yellow or pink. This is one of the easiest wood species: a density of about 160 kg / m3. Freshly cut tree contains more than 90% water, but dries quickly, and unlike baobab does not disintegrate into dust and gets a good strength. Because of these properties of wood materials from balsa except for light weight yet have great sound and vibration absorbing properties. In industry balsa used in mechanical engineering in the production of cushions that absorb vibration; in aircraft as sound insulation material. In ancient times was used for the construction of balsa rafts and canoes. No wonder Balsa Spanish translates as flesh. Balsa model airplanes are very fond of. Compared with the same carbon fiber balsa has several advantages: ease of processing, relatively low cost, maintainability. Well-constructed design of correct sawn balsa very durable. This effect is also due to the fact that under the stress that load absorbed by the material itself. Balm is also used for the manufacture of water-saving equipment and fishing gear. Elite surfboards are also made of balsa. In Panama, the balsa tree blooms when the sun sets and attracts different kinds of animals, birds and insects.
Flower, called the people "sleep-grass" and scientifically "cross" - perhaps the most beautiful and fairy primrose and one of the most beautiful flowers on this planet.Hardly the snow melts, as his blue petals on fuzzy stems, like bright gems rise among last year's grass, swaying under a light spring breeze and bright sunshine.
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