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Grandeur, unique beauty and charm. Kamchatka.

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In today our journey through Russia, we go to the very east of our vast country. Kamchatka is considered to be all one of the most exotic places in Russia our mother, and, perhaps, in the world. This is a unique corner of the Earth, nature, plants and animals have been preserved in its natural, wild, almost untouched by human intervention.Kamchatka landscape amaze any traveler with its magnificence and unique beauty and charm. Kamchatka on the map of Russia , Kamchatka - a peninsula in the north-eastern part of Eurasia in Russia. Washed by the Sea of Okhotsk from the west, from the east - the Bering Sea and the Pacific Ocean. Peninsula stretches from north-east to south-west for 1200 km. Connected to the mainland by a narrow (93 km) the isthmus - Parapolsky fuller. Greatest width (440 km) - at the latitude of Cape Kronotsky. The total area of the peninsula ~ 270 thousand. Km �. East coast of the peninsula is very uneven, forming large bays and coves. Far out into the sea rocky peninsula. central part of the peninsula is crossed by two parallel ridges - Middle Ridge and East Ridge, between them is Tsentralnokamchatskaya lowland, on which the river Kamchatka.Samaya southernmost point of the peninsula - Cape Lopatka is at 50 � 51 '55 "s. sh. On the territory of the peninsula is the subject of the Russian Federation Kamchatka Krai. Release BP Field, the name comes from the Kamchatka Peninsula Kamchatka river, and the river was named in honor of Ivan Kamchatka. Ivan Kamchatka - kalymsky Cossack poverstanny in 1649 at his own request, in the past, industrial people. Volcanoes are the main attractions of the Kamchatka Peninsula. Images of volcanoes appear on the flag and coat of arms of the Kamchatka region. Volcanoes of Kamchatka to date relate to the phenomena of nature, next to which even today people feel helpless. Indeed, with the eruption of red-hot lava flows, falling down along the slopes of volcanoes, abundant rockfalls and falling ash, memorable fiery fireworks with powerful dense clouds, cause people a lasting impression, and often fear. Kamchatka about 100,000 large and small lakes, 14 000 thousand rivers and streams, 414 glaciers with a total area 871.1 SW2, 274 mineral springs, of which 160 are hot, nestled in a picturesque valley, and of course volcanoes. 150 of them are extinct, and 29 active, 3-4 are constantly in the process of eruption. Kronotskaya Volcano volcano of Kamchatka Among accepted to communicate with volcanoes - to ask permission from the giant ascend to him and thank you for that returned safely back. Volcanoes in Kamchatka is famous all over the world. Vulcan Kluchevskoy Unique but inaccessible area of Kamchatka nature - Kluchevskoy - the highest active volcano in Eurasia (chart height - 4750 m, but the volcano is constantly growing). Kluchevskoy - quite a dangerous volcano, known for his frequent rockfalls. Nature Park "Kluchevskoy."September 2010 Eruption Kluchevskoy Its height varies from 4750 to 4850 m or more above sea level. The volcano is roughly about 7 thousand. Years. Over 270 years of observations are more than 50 violent eruptions, some of the latter were in the 1972-74 biennium. Tolbachik Volcano Tolbachik awoke July 6, 1975. The jet of gas, slag and ash reached a height of one kilometer, and higher up to 6-8 kilometers swirling vapors, gases and ash.Kamchatka. August 2013 lava flow from the erupting volcano Tolbachik. In the background the volcano UdineKamchatka. September 2013 Closing volcanic eruption Tolbachik Volcano Il'inskii Il'inskii volcano - conical stratovolcano located on the northeastern shore of Kurile Lake with altitude 1578 m and a diameter at the base - 8 km. Slopes and foothills of the volcano is covered with thick pumice fields. This is one of the youngest volcanoes of Kamchatka. Vilyuchinsky volcano volcano Vilyuchinskaya hill is a monument of nature. Considered extinct, but volcanologists noted steam-gas separation in the region of its vertices. Height of the volcano - 2,175 meters above sea level. Cone Vilyuchika unusually smooth, beautiful and produced effect can compete with the famous Fuji Japanese or Italian Vesuvius. On the northern slope of the apical cone is a small hollow of his ruined crater. In the south-eastern part of Vilyuchika are hot springs. Vulcan Avachinskiy July 2010 Panorama Avachinskiy volcano crater (2741 m.) filled with lava plug in the eruption of 1991. In the background the volcano Koryak. volcano enters the chain of five volcanoes in the north-west strike. Located in 27-30 km to the north-east of the city of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky and Yelizovo, 55 km from the city Vilyuchinsk. Shiveluch Volcano Located in the northern part of Kamchatka, the largest active volcano - it Sheveluch. Its diameter is about 7 km. Powerful eruption of Shiveluch occurred in 1964, with the emergence of two craters in diameter 7 km and 2 km away and there was a destruction of the dome of the volcano.In one of the craters, since 1980, began to form a dome, which is composed of andesite. Weak eruptions occur more often than powerful, the frequency of which occurs every 100-200 years. Vulcan KikhpinychOne of the active volcanoes - Kikhpinych, located in the south-east. He represents some array of volcanic structures.Kikhpinych young unites two old volcano and is now considered to be acting. Kikhpinych old already gone out, and eventually collapsed. Kikhpinych last erupted more than six hundred years ago. Kamen lenticular cloud above the volcano stone, Kamchatka Kamen is also a member of the current and is located in the center of the Kluchevskaya group. This is the next highest volcano in Kamchatka, its height is 4.6 km. Since the northern and western slopes are very steep and always covered with ice, to reach the top of the volcano is quite difficult. Gorely Acid lake in the volcano to the group of active volcanoes of Kamchatka also applies Gorely. This volcano is an ancient and modern shield-shaped building. The first building in the area is 650 km, modern - 150 km. In 1986, the last recorded eruption of the volcano. Bezymyannyi Another active volcano, Nameless, erupted not so long ago, in 2007. He likewise located in the central region Kluchevskoy group. It looks like the top of a ruined solid mass. The explosion in 1956 destroyed a large part of the array of the volcano. All slopes are just riddled with lava flows. KarymskyKarymsky. In the background - Sour Lake. Karymsky - one of the most active volcanoes of Kamchatka. Age 7 700-7 800 years. Cone crowned with a central crater. The absolute height of the young cone (actually Karimsky volcano) to the 1996 eruption was 1546.4 m. At the foot of the volcano Karymskii the south side of the lake is located Karymskoe.The diameter of the lake 4 km. The absolute height of the water table above sea level of 630 m, the maximum depth of the lake 70 m. Vulcan Small Semyachik Trinity Lake in the crater of the Trinity (the southern crater) Small Semyachik - active stratovolcano on the Kamchatka Peninsula. Is a short length of the ridge on top of about 3 km, consisting of three fused cones - northern ancient, is the highest (1560 m), the average - with half-buried crater and south-west - with a nest of craters, including the active crater of the Trinity. Crater like a deep crater with a diameter of about 700 m slightly oval in shape. A wonderful addition this in itself interesting crater lake is a light green color. This color is caused by tiny floating particles in the water column of sulfur handed down underwater fumaroles. Zhupanovsky Zhupanovsky height is 2958 meters. It is located about 100 kilometers north of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. The last time Zhupanovsky erupted in 1956-1957,. now in Kamchatka is a volcanic eruption Zhupanovsky. Yesterday afternoon, September 7, 2014, there were two emission of ash. First - to a height of 10,500 meters, the second - up to 2500 meters According to the Kamchatka response team Volcanic Eruption (KVERT), the first ash emission occurred at a height of 10,500 meters, ash plume spread in the south-east from the volcano 22 kilometers towards Avachinskii Gulf. The second release - at a height of 2500 meters, with the ash plume spread in the direction of the wind south-easterly direction from the volcano 53 kilometers towards Avachinskii Gulf. To the spread of the ash plume settlements not. Today, September 8 Zhupanovsky erupting in Kamchatka, threw a column of ash to a height of 3.5 km above sea level. Ash plume spread to 83 km in the south-west of the Zhupanovsky. Drop ashes in settlements have been recorded. Tour groups in the area of the volcano registered. Tourism organizations recommend no tours in the area of the volcano. Vulcan assigned orange aviation code. According to the Institute of Volcanology and Seismology, all known volcano eruption Zhupanovsky were relatively weak and without disaster. Mutnovsky volcano in Kamchatka volcanoes dyschaschih many, one of them - Mutnovskaya hill. A couple of years ago, he woke up, broke the glacier, calm down. There are a lot of bright colors, especially yellow is sulfur. It is the easiest way to output from the bowels of the earth, so it is all around - in yellow puddles in crystals in the air. These flowers grow near the foot of the volcano Mutnovskiy. Right in the scoria, among the rocks here is a miracle! "Treasures of the Dwarfs." Snezhnoledovye caves These caves are located on snezhnoledovye Mutnovsky In this area, a lot of snow falls to 5-10 meters. All streams Glens falls asleep almost completely and the thickness of the snow over the stream can reach 20 meters or more. In summer, the snow just does not have time to melt. Kamchatka "Metro" Specifically, the thickness of this set of about 6 meters. Typically, such a cave through and reach a length of up to 500 meters. This wavy surface is formed due to the water, if you look closely will see a vertical blue stripes is iest flowing water formed in ruzeltate melting snow on the surface. A ray of light in the darkness ... Uzon Caldera Caldera Uzon on 10 square kilometers of the caldera contains all the wonders of Kamchatka: and volcanic and natural. The close proximity of wildlife and volcanic caldera unique manifestations do. Geologists call a caldera depression - the remainder once active volcano. When a strong eruption at the volcano blows elite, educated, often large, funnel, called a caldera. In calderas sometimes reappear craters, the volcano continues to operate, sometimes flooded caldera formed by water and picturesque lakes, it is often overgrown with grass or forest. But only Uzon caldera, once the bottom of the former 3,000-meter volcano, there and then, and more . It looks like a fantastic tale of lost lands: severe Kamchatka trails suddenly cut down cliffs to a depth of 400 meters, and at the bottom - a very different world. Low sky here, it seems to be slightly higher because of the hot bowels here before spring comes, there are berries and herbs. bear on the field with blueberries in the caldera Uzon. Kamchatka, September 2013. blueberry-berry Evrazhka. For the uninitiated, evrazhka - a Siberian marmot. Lives, usually in colonies on rocky slopes. Subject to the collective existence - very careful; colony certainly puts hour, which starts to whistle at the sight of the enemy. enemy And this is absolutely harmless animal is any living creature, eating meat, wolf whether people know. Riverbank Noisy 3 km from the source of Lake Central. Uzon CalderaAbundant food and pleasant warmth attract caldera bears and many more animals. Tundra land rich in berries, and the river - fish. And right next to them - mud volcanoes, hot springs, boiling lake. A special attraction of the caldera - "damn pans" - flat areas of land, where out of the shaky crust breaks steam and hot splashes. especially the history - Lake Caldera. Next to the purest fish lakes is absolutely fantastic specimens. One of the lakes filled with weak sulfuric acid, around other stands mercury and sulfur. Geologists do not lay down the price of this natural laboratory: in lakes before our eyes formed minerals. And the most surprising: these toxic, hot lakes inhabited! Sulfuric lake live bacteria that produce sulfuric acid, in other archaea settled. A very ancient form of life, archaea do not coincide with algae or bacteria. Even in lakes, where the temperature reaches 96 * C, there are living organisms. This thiobacteria colonies in water is clearly visible. Uzon constantly exploring a variety of specialists, it is recognized as a unique example of biogeocoenose. But the caldera, in addition, also stridently picturesque. mud springs near Lake Chloride. Uzon.Kamchatka Panorama Lake Chloride knoll with "White" in the background Kuhtin Bata - a natural monument, a fancy pumice outcrop Kuthiny baht - pumice rocks near Lake Kuril, shaped like a giant set vertically dolbl?nye boats. Framed by lush green vegetation, they are located in the canyon amphitheater deployed in a small rock. Itelmen legend, recorded SP Krasheninnikov reads: "According to legend, in these places, rich in fish, God dwelt Kutkh. At its baht (boats), he went out into the lake and sea fishing.Get out of here forever Kutkh put them out to dry, and they turned to stone. " Kamchatka is replete with waterfalls.They are all different in their beauty, height, strength, origin. On the Kamchatka Peninsula, a large number of small and large rivers. Therefore, here in the form of land with volcanic activity and tectonic shifts, failure of the crust formed beautiful waterfalls that will not leave anyone indifferent. Vilyuchinsky waterfallVilyuchinsky waterfall originates at the top of the volcano due to the melting of the glacier. Therefore, at different times of the year and how much snow was last winter, depends on the power flow down the aspirant. Dropping down, the water breaks through the thickness of the glacier and runs already under him. The most brave and foolish can go up to the edge and look into the abyss. Vakina Waterfall This waterfall is named after Vakina Yevgeny Aleksandrovich - the famous scientist, volcanologist, he was highly purposeful scholar of classical type. A favorite place of his work was Mutnovskiy volcano, which is currently working on geothermal power Mutnovsko carrier.Waterfall "Dangerous" The highest waterfall in Kamchatka ~ 80 meters It is located on the river Muddy which originates in the crater of the volcano Mutnovskiy and 4 km breaks Canyon dangerous.Waterfall "Tranquil" Calm Waterfall is located on the same stream, waterfall height -16 m, width vertically incident flux - 5-6 m. Creek flows in a narrow gorge with high steep rocky right bank and left more gentle. At 80 m from the stream there is a road to Viljuchinsky (spring-water) sources. On the shore there is a good observation deck with spectacular views. Waterfall "Tolmachev" In the center of the volcanic highlands at an altitude of 615 meters, the lake the same name, which implies a fairly abundant river Tolmachev (average annual consumption - 7.7 m3 / s). Quiet at first, it is a few kilometers from the lake gets rapid flow. On the western edge of the Tolmachev Dol, where he descends steeply to the West Kamchatka lowland river until quite recently formed three picturesque waterfall. After entering into commercial operation in 1999-2000. GES-1 and GES-3 on p. Tolmachev was only one - medium (large) waterfall. But now he is not so picturesque and polyhydramnios, as more than ten years ago. Geyser Valley of Kamchatka's most valuable gift is rightfully considered a natural monument - the Valley of Geysers. Under the charm of this fabulous place falls within a glance. The Valley of Geysers, like many of the Kamchatka volcanoes, known far beyond Russia. Valley of Geysers - the territory reserved, the number of visits to its strictly limited - no more than 3 thousand. persons per year. Lovers of nature is called the Valley of the undisputed Wonder of the World. Here is one of the largest concentrations of geysers in the world. geyser "Giant" ... now rest ... Geyser "Giant" near ... "works" ... "Royal Bath". Her we will not see - filled up mudslide in January 2014 to fill with water when working geyser "giant" who "worked" every 7-8 hours. In the foreground - Stock geyser of "Giant." geyser "gates of hell" geyser "Big" In a small area located pulsating boiling springs, hot lakes, geysers, mud pots and mud volcanoes. km. No offense.

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