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This blog does not contain intellectual fast food. Even though not always referenced, the texts that I put together are based on a solid, literary basis. Reading books is - in many ways - an important tool to expand knowledge rapidly and profoundly. Most importantly, reading the right books and reading them with an open, inquisitive, flexible mind. Some people tell me that it is not easy to find the right books. I get many requests asking me to suggest literature. Now, I argue that new books are usually not better than old ones. In fact, in my experience, the opposite is the case - the further you go back, the better the books become.
In the following I present a short list of essential classic writings that, in my view, all independent researchers should be aware of . Tons of reproduced, regurgitated rubbish is available to us today via internet. In order to truly learn about our past and about our ancestors and how they lived and thought, it is better to start at the beginning and to read the real thing and to be your own interpreter.
The chain of spiritual myth roughly went as follows:
- Unified world religion during the golden age
- Dogon/ Yoruba
- Ethiopian > Khemet (Egypt)
- Gnostic blacks > Hebrew > Hellenistic > Christian > Islam
- Dravidian blacks > Vedic Brahmanism > Hinduism > Buddhism
- Chinese blacks > Taoism
- Olmec blacks > Inka, Aztec, Maya, Moundbuilders, Washita
I therefore recommend to ultimately focus on the Khemau mythology, but to also get acquainted with the holy writings of other major spiritual disciplines, e.g. Qu`ran, Bible, Zohar, Talmud, Rig Veda, Pistis Sophia, Apocrypha, Pyramid texts, Book of the Dead, Book of Gates, Homeric Hymns, Hermetica, Kybalion, Orphic poems, Avesta, etc.
This will automatically put you into a position of power, simply because you know what you are talking about and you can easily dismantle false arguments. There have always been enlightened individuals speaking out against religious ignorance and madness. The following will highlight some of these brave people and also some of the brilliant minds, who did the opposite and sold out to lies. Some of them might have been what I call useful idiots, others may have taken money or high offices (note how Christian apologists were declared to be "saints"), yet others may have been threatened and have feared for their lives. We will never know for sure, but it is important to read the Christian apologists, just to get all sides of the argumentation.
My list may not be complete but it sure enough provides more reading material than anyone can handle in his spare time in the next couple of years. In today`s time of information overflow and near unlimited access to information, it is easy to download free PDFs of all listed works mentioned below. It may not be possible or absolutely necessary to read all of these writings, but it is very helpful and enlightening to know that these texts exist and to roughly understand the contents. Our world would be a better place, if more people would study these writers, instead of reading modern (fashionable) garbage and Dan Brown nonsense.
Some of the writings, if known to the broad public, would quickly put en end to certain fruitless discussions, for example, whether "Jesus" lived or not (I put this name in quotation marks because the original text never mentions this name, the letter "J" was invented only in the 17th century. Take it as a homework : what was the name mentioned in the original text? Which is the original text?). Philo-Judaeus (see below) would have been a contemporary of this alleged Jesus (misnomer) and Philo wrote extensively about everything of importance that happened during his lifetime, but not a single word about a man named Jesus can be found in his writings. What could this mean?
Other writings reveal how history was written as tool for power and how fake history was created by the ruling elite to support expansion of power, e.g. Flavius Josephus, who invented Jewish history in order to make the Old Testament historic. Why did he do this? Because he was the main author of the New Testament and "Flavius Josephus" was simply one of his many pen names.
Now.....there is no way you can know whether what I have just stated is true or not - unless you pick up the books and read them yourself. Be invited, there is a very rich banquet. The book titles highlighted in yellow are "must reads" in my opinion:
Early Greek writers:
Homer, ancient Greek epic poet, 8th BCE: Iliad, Odyssee
Hesiod, ancient Greek philosopher, poet, 7th BCE: Pandora�s Jar, Works and Days, Theogony
Thales, Greek philosopher, 6th BCE, �first true mathematician� (from a Caucasian point of view, that is)
Heraklitus, Greek philosopher, 6th BCE, �Logos�, ever changing nature
Phythagoras, Greek philosopher, mathematician, metaphysical genius, 6th BCE, initiated and educated in Egypt
Herodotus, Greek historian, 5th BCE, �father of history�, The Histories
Anaxagoras, Greek philosopher, 5th BCE, �Nous�, four elements
Pindar, Greek lyric poet, 5th BCE, greatest lyric poet
Empedocles, Greek philosopher, 5th BCE, four elements, On Nature
Sokrates, Greek philosopher, 5th BCE, Dialogues, developed the Socratic Method, which is still very useful today. Ask a lot of questions and never stop doing this!
Plato, Greek philosopher, 4th BCE, student of Sokrates, teacher of Aristotle, metaphysical genius, initiated and educated in Egypt, Dialogues, Republic, Metaphysics
Aristotle, Greek philosopher, 4th BCE, initiated and educated in Egypt, teacher of Alexander the Great and Ptolemy Soter I (first Ptolemaic ruler of Egypt, founder of the Ptolemaic dynasty, whose descendants were the authors of the New Testament)
1st century BCE
Cicero, Roman philosopher: On the Republic, huge influence on Latin language, enemy of Julius Caesar dictatorship after he crossed the Rubicon in 49 BCE and destroyed the Republic
Diodorus Siculus, Greek historian, Bibliotheca Historica
Ovid, Roman poet, Metamorpheses
Horace, Roman poet
1st century ACE
Virgil, Roman poet, Aeneid
Seneca, Roman stoic philosopher, advisor to Nero, Tragedies, later suicide, �erare humanum est�, On anger
Philo Judaeus, Judeo-Hellenistic philosopher, Proto-Gnostic, would have been a contemporary of Jesus, not a single word about Jesus in his writings
Josephus, Romano�Jewish historian, Antiquities of the Jews, Jewish Wars (pen name of Arrius Piso, author of the New Testament)
Plutarch, Greek historian: Isis & Osiris, Parallel lives, Moralia
Marcus Manilius, Roman astrologer/ poet, astrologer of Caesar Augustus: Astronomica
Epictetus, Greek stoic philosopher, Discourses, practical philosophy
2nd century ACE
Claudius Ptolemy, Greco-Roman poet and astrologer: Tetrabiblos
Celsus, Greek philosopher: On the true doctrine
Basilides, Gnostic teacher in Alexandria
Valentinius, Gnostic teacher in Rome
Tertullian, Christian writer
Clement of Alexandria, "church father"
St. Irenaeus, Christian apologist
Justin Martyr, Christian apologist
Marcus Aurelius, Roman emperor, stoic philosopher: Meditations
3rd century ACE
Origin, "church father"
Plotinus, Neoplatonist, philosopher, �father of Neoplatonism�, teacher of Porphyry
Porphyry, Neoplatonist, Against the Christians
Lamblichus, Neoplatonist from Syria
Eusebius, Roman historian, �father of church history�, right hand of Constantine
4th century ACE
Julian, emperor and philosopher, Greek writer, nephew of Constantine: Against the Galileans, Hymn to the sun
Firmicus Maternus, Latin astrologer: Matheseos 8 books
St. Augustine, Roman historian, �father of church history�
5th century ACE
Macrobius, Roman writer: Saturnalia
Proclus, Greek Neoplatonist philosopher, Platonic Theology, metaphysics
Simplicius of Cilicia, Neoplatonist
a term referring to the revival of true teachings, but also literally "rebirth", i.e. the revival of knowledge concerning the eternal nature of life, teachings of reincarnation that were lost during the Christian era
15th century ACE
Marcilio Ficino, humanist, philosopher, astrologist, Neoplatonist: translated Plato into Latin and translated Corpus Hermeticum (�Hermetica�, includes one page called �Emerald table� and the Poimandres)
Giovanni Pico della Mirandola: Neoplatonist, 900 thesis, Oration of dignity of man
Cosimo de Medici: Neoplatonist, refounded Plato`s academy
16th century ACE
Giordano Bruno: heliocentric world, astrologer, burned at the stake by RC inquisition
18th century ACE
Thomas Taylor: translated Plato/ Aristoteles into English
20th century ACE
Manly P Hall: greatest Hermeticist/ Neoplatonist of our "modern" time. Received 33rd Degree of masonry without being a Mason. As independent researcher, we was able to publish his knowledge freely.
As final note on this reading list. None of the above Caucasian authors were finally able to even remotely touch on the genius of African cosmology and natural science. There is no such thing as Greek philosophy. Our current understanding of history as a whole is wrong. The current history has been designed by Masons, it is a fairy tale. I will further explain true history in following blog entries.
If you want to have true spiritual insight, study the Dogon, the Zulu, the Yoruba and Khemet spiritual cosmologies, this compromises highest science.
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