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The dream state as master Hierophant
Imagine, you are a computer and you have just been assembled and are plugged in for the first time. You are ready to receive your �operating system�, which will serve as communication system between you and the outside world. It will be the basis of your world view, as long as it remains installed. There will be updates, but the basic system stays the same. This is a perfect analogy for how we enter our lives as human beings. The initial programming of our subconscious mind, which we receive during infancy and early childhood years, becomes our �operating system� and becomes the basis for our definition of reality, of our identity, how we behave and of our purpose in life. Now, going back to the analogy, imagine that you receive an operating system which is inferior to that of other computers and limits you in your communication with the outside world. This is a perfect analogy for what happens to our subconscious mind, when we are born and raised in western/ �modern� society. We adapt a (subconscious) programming, which prevents us from properly interacting with nature. A child growing up in the wilderness, with little or no contact to other people (and receiving no language-based �deaducation�, to use a term that Dr. Phil Valentine coined), will perceive and define �reality� in a completely different way than a child raised in the city. Who is using whom?
In this blog entry I will verbally describe � as far as this is possible and meaningful - a fundamental shift of reality, which liberates the mind, makes life more meaningful and connects with mother nature (Metu Neter). The task at hand is not to describe a new, or �modern� (�New Age� type) reality, but rather to point out the natural, ancient, original, true human reality of nature, which nowadays is more and more blocked by the unnatural, subconscious �operating system� that western society �installs� in children. In �The Matrix�, protagonist Neo (= Neo-Cortex, the youngest part of the human brain, the part that makes a human being a human being) expresses his willingness to be (re-) initiated to reality by Morpheus(a Greek deity of dreams). Precisely in the same way we can also choose the �Red Pill� and start learning about reality again. The movie correctly points at the fact that this initiation is received through the dream state/ trance (Morpheus serves as the Hierophant/ master initiator), because what we commonly see as �waking state/ daylight reality� is in reality a half-blind dream state that reveals only an atrophied image of reality (compare with �Plato`s cave� analogy) produced by the severely limited five senses. Up to this point, Neo (the brain) believed that it was awake, but it was not!
picture from my personal notebook. The logo of Microsoft Windows XP shows you the correct universal operating system - but for a fake level of reality
This logo displays the "earth cross", consisting of the horizontal line of equinoxes and the vertical line connecting the solstices. However, instead of a sphere, it uses a square world that looks like a flag. The astrological nature of this logo is clearly revealed by the colors, which represent the four elements, precisely as found in the zodiac wheel:
red (fire) = Leo, opposite yellow (air) = Aquarius
blue (water) = Scorpius, opposite green (earth) = Taurus
The letters X and P in Greek are "Chi" and "Rho" - together making up the symbol of Constantine, the Chi Rho, which also is name giver to the city of Kai-ro, the place from which most knowledge was taken by Caucasian imperialists
Nowadays, language has decayed into a mechanical communication system consisting of meaningless containers (words), which are made up of meaningless symbols (letters). Such a system is simply not sufficient for describing reality � reality lies far deeper than what can be communicated through modern language. That which can be expected behind the veil of nature, at the nucleus of esoteric imagery and myth, cannot be put into words. For this reason, and also because is unwise to cross a certain boundary when communicating knowledge, I am limiting this blog entry, just like all published wisdom through the ages has been limited. It took me a while to fully comprehend the full value of learning mysteries. �Facts� block the development of the mind, mysteries activate it. Modern language programs the mind with empty shells, while in the past, symbols, myth and images used to fill it with information potential for true understanding and expansion. Throughout the ancient world, knowledge was therefore communicated through symbols and myth. Hieroglyphs are superior to modern language systems and ancient myth and fables from Africa are indeed more meaningful and complete than today�s highest science. The invention of written language, especially composed of single letters was nota step forward for humanity, instead, it was one of the early signs of spiritual decay, moving into the dark age of Pisces, the age of doubt and belief.
experiencing nature cannot be put into words
In all ancient myth, there is a fine, red line between the hero bringing back the �fire� (illumination, knowledge) from the �gods� and achieving something good with it and the same hero becoming a fool or traitor on his return, or even receiving a severe punishment for his deed. To reveal from the occult (hidden) what should remain there for others to discover for themselves is a wise thing only up to a certain degree. Too much light may blind the eyes and illumination loses its value, if presented on a silver plate. It does not necessarily help others to actually help them, because help always contains a dis-empowering element. I will therefore restrict myself to summarizing, what is more or less freely available in literature and leave further experiences for others to discover for themselves, when and if they are willing or able to do so.
plug and play, the end of the species
Our society is slowly drifting dangerously close towards an obvious, long-planned trans-humanist paradigm, which is based on the above described, limited (unconscious) operating system. To drive this agenda forward, a deliberate, systematical dumbing down of society is organized (�deaducation� system), which then allows to offer human-made, mechanical, �technical help� to improve the allegedly �insufficient� evolutionary capabilities. Only if people are sufficiently estranged from nature and thus stupid enough to comply, they will accept an artificial, external replacement for capabilities they possess by nature. A vendor of medicine increases his sales by increasing the number people who need it � by making people sick. People are made to develop a belief that technology is superior to nature and today, scientific belief is taking the form of and truly replacing, religious belief. The current generation is being systematically conditioned to adapt computer technology in all walks of life (e.g. at work, nothing workswithout computers, smart phone zombies that bump into you), to store our personal information in artificial �clouds� (that replaces our own clout and is easy to access for others) and we are slowly being conditioned by means of behavioral science, to accept �expert advice�, idiotic legislation and �big brother� type surveillance. It is becoming more obvious by the day, how ridiculous this whole system of living is.
creating problems helps to implement desired solutions
I like referring to current examples: take a close look at the current media advertisement campaign by the NSA around the �useful martyr� E. Snowden. Whenever something gets as much airtime in major, global media as the NSA/ Snowden story, it is a clear sign that the story is approved by the true power structure (of which the NSA and military industrial complex and media are of course a part) and that it fits a certain higher, often long-term social engineering agenda. Opinion is molded though application of propaganda techniques using a �problem � reaction �solution�- type, Hegelian technique, and here is how this works:
- The desired solutionmay be that in approx. 30 years from now (maybe one generation), computer dominance and surveillance (two brothers walking hand in hand) should be globally rolled out, implemented and socially accepted. If very few people wish to continue ruling billions, this is a very important step towards the required power structure.
- The desired reactionis that the general public accepts surveillance as a �necessary evil�. The systems cannot be rolled out in secrecy, the public needs to be made aware of the agenda and take part in it. An outrage is destined to occur, therefore it is advisable to scientifically design and control such outrage via the media. The population therefore needs to be made �angry� about surveillance, and exoteric (puppet) leaders serve as role models to instruct the population how the emotional and rational reaction should look like. Just like in any myth or fairy tale, certain hero figures can serve as role model to drive the story. Even the simplest member of society must be made aware that secret services of some kind are watching them at all times (electronic tagging/ Smart-phones, etc). Most people will acknowledge and accept this and not change their behavior (�I have nothing to hide�). More active elements of society will try to organize resistance and such resistance has several distinct advantages:
1. Resistance strengthens a process in a Hegelian way and by raising awareness, it can accelerate implementation of an agenda by focusing mass consciousness (mass ritual). The universe knows existence and non-existence but there is no way of resonating �against� something. An �anti-surveillance� discussion is therefore an impossibility and it only strengthens the concept of surveillance, just like an �anti-cancer day� strengthens the concept of cancer (this is why pharmaceutical companies organize �disease days�)
2. Observable resistance serves as �honey-pot� for the system to better identify the opposition (Infowars concept �we are the resistance�)
3. Resistance serves as yardstick for expected dynamics, to measure the viability of certain chess moves and to plan the timing of an agenda. The NSA/ CIA use superpower computers to simulate the future (e.g. �Recorded Future�) and whenever the system makes a big move, we can be sure that it has been tested to be fool proof on smaller scale in advance.
- The problemthat is thus being sketched in media in order to cause the required reaction from the public, is to start a discussion about the discrepancy between government/ cultural ethics on one hand and the global, �lawless� activities of the NSA, which transcend borders, countries and legal systems, on the other. This discussion is currently being stage-acted for the media by high-ranking politicians (top politicians are paid actors), some of whom are in the know and others who are �useful idiots�. So, Mrs. Merkel is �upset�, the French President is �outraged� and Mr. Cameron is �seeking a dialogue�, while the truth of the matter is, that these people are well aware of the fact that surveillance goes much, much deeper than is being revealed and that the agenda is only being revealed on the lowest scale in order to create a reaction, which is supposed to lead to a pre-defined solution. Genius minds are employed in major think tanks to design problems and public reactions that produce pre-defined solutions.
"to saw off the branch on which one is sitting"
This is logical (and genius), population control. The western �Egregore� (the commonly adapted perception of reality shared by a group of people who are physical proximity) of our time is scientifically constructed by experts of behavioral science and even awake people and conspiracy-savvy people (world history is based on conspiracy!) go with the media flow, thus social engineering becomes child`s play if you are in control of major media outlets. Humanity must pass this test and the struggle between suppression and true freedom of mind has taken a U-turn development from dogma and torture to information overflow and rapidly converting the natural into a fake, electronic world. E-mails replace phone calls, buttons replace individual handwriting, scanners replace the human eye, drones replace intelligence, clouds replace brain cells, a CPU replaces the memory, RAM replaces thinking, digital images replace nature. Fake or secondary experiences (e.g. watching t.v.) replace real, first hand experiences and this necessarily leads to unhappiness and loss of purpose in life, because we are here to gather primary, individual experiences, not in an electronic world, but in nature. Environmental destruction is the natural consequence of the masses watching television. If the majority of people focus on an artificial world, the natural world fades.
unplugging can be a painful experience
There can be no freedom of mind as long as the physical world and the media as its manipulated mirror reflection remain programmed as �reality� in our subconscious mind. We are simply running on the wrong �operating system� and the only way to expand our mind beyond this fake reality is to pull the plug and to re-program ourselves (just like Neodoes in �The Matrix�). Once we do so, there quickly arrives the point where language becomes insufficient to describe the complexity of holographic mind and images are needed to feed the mind. For this reason, and not because they were �primitive�, our ancestors wrapped universal laws into myth and these myths are therefore highest �primitive� science (primomeans first, thus primitive things are the ones that were there first, the term does not suggest that �primitive� means �inferior�), highest possible expression of human consciousness within the limited world of the five senses. �Modern� in this context is best defined by the Latin modo, �just now�, �modern science� is nothing more than a fashion trend of mind (i.e. German �Mode� means fashion). As such, fashionable science is not "wrong" per se, but it only holds true from the current point of view of the limited perception of human beings, which is fashioned after the degraded Egregore of our time (our erroneous perception of reality, based on the original, erroneous programming of our subconscious mind). Any person transcending the Egregore of our times (e.g. growing up in the wilderness without any contact to western society) will be aware of this fact. Therefore all myth can and must be understood not primarily on the figurative, narrative level, but on the allegorical level.
Knowing that the �outside� is only illusion created by slowed light particles and that the day, just like the night, are equal dream states created by sun photons, the most profound and direct way of widening ones perception, is to close ones eyes and look inward. As the title of this post postulates, the answer lies within. Nature even provides the obvious hint for doing so because we sleep 1/3 of time and wake 2/3 � so � of the waking time (4 hours a day) are automatically spent day dreaming, a subconscious process people are usually not even fully aware of better. Conscious trance is a powerful tool, the modern way of living usually does not permit this, or better, it dramatically influences this process through supplying an endless array of fake images (the Hollywood mages).
I have mentioned that I will not spill the beans on occult knowledge (even though I am not bound to any oath of secrecy), but I do take the chance to play Morpheus, and supply a glimpse of what you can expect to find if you unplug yourself. This is more or less in line with Hermetic teachings, but I refuse to put myself into this or any other category, my teachings are based on everything and nothing:
I have mentioned that I will not spill the beans on occult knowledge (even though I am not bound to any oath of secrecy), but I do take the chance to play Morpheus, and supply a glimpse of what you can expect to find if you unplug yourself. This is more or less in line with Hermetic teachings, but I refuse to put myself into this or any other category, my teachings are based on everything and nothing:
- what we perceive as �physical reality/ time� is nothing but an illusion of our senses. The totality of �phenomena� (physically perceivable substance) compared to �Noumena� (not perceivable substance) in the universe is like comparing a candle to a supernova.
the Daath wormhole
- What we call �death� is related to the Kaballa term �Daath�, which stands for knowledge. Perfect knowledge means death (�Daath�). Physical life on earth equals to incomplete knowledge. The moment our body dies, our soul (from �sol�, an internal equivalent of the external sun) regains full knowledge and transcends the wormhole called �Daath�. Death and life are indeed two mirrored sides of the same coin and the coin itself is universal and eternal. The small is a miniature version of the great and vice versa. The same dual principle of �life and death� runs on all temporal scales: on the scale of seconds, we in- and exhale, on the scale of minutes, we are conscious or we daydream, on the scale of days, we wake and sleep, on the scale of months, we are under influence of the moon, on the scale of years, nature dies and resurrects itself (physical birth in spring equinox, maturity in summer solstice, old age in autumn equinox, death and spiritual rebirth in the winter solstice), and on the scale of one lifetime we switch between physical life/ spiritual death and spiritual life/ physical death. The same pattern of duality expresses itself on all levels of temporary existence.
- Man is an image of the macrocosm (universe), and the universe is a reflection of the creating mind force. Man stands at the very center of creation, precisely between highest physical creation (perfect human body with twelve systems) and lowest spiritual creation (Sol incarnated with amnesia). Heaven (mind) and earth (body) meet, fire (spirit) enters water (matter), sun and moon are divorced and the duality of wake/ dream on all temporary levels is created as illusion of the mind. The word �man� is based on �mind�.
Man, get in touch with your brain!
- Everything outside of the human body is illusion and the human body itself is also an illusion, because it is also �outside�. The universal experience is constructed as a hologram - therefore the small reveals the construction of the large, the inner construction of the human body reveals the construction of the outer universe. Man, know thyself! As within, so without. If you look into the starry sky at night, you are looking at the macro version of electrical brain cells, because the universe is a reflection of mind. You are not �god� (this is a horrendous word based on the Hebrew �Gad�/ month of Aries/ �Tribe of Gad�) but as we are created in the image of deity, we partake in the attributes of the creating mind (omniscience, omnipotence, omnipresence) on a smaller scale. Creation needs to experience itself and must therefore enter itself in the state of amnesia, which is why �you� have the illusion of existing in �your� current, individual form. (a popular myth brilliantly symbolizing the holographic nature of creation is that of deity sacrificing itself to itself: Jesus as son of �god� � sun of Gad, light energy of Aries, �arise� � descending into matter and being sacrificed to the father, who he also represents himself).
- The meaning of life is to gather experience and let the creating mind know, what makes us happy and thus, to let it know how to expand the universe. From point of view of the living, happiness is the only true goal in life, the only true content of existence, which we share with all physical levels of life below us.
- The zodiac is the ancient depiction of how our body is created and the moment of first inhalation defines the alchemical construction of our lower (physical) self. I have proven in another blog entry through simplest math that due to the precession of the equinoxes and artifacts in Khemet, the zodiac must be at minimum 30,000 years old, more likely 56,000 years or � and this looks more likely, the more I reflect on it � it is eternal, just like humanity, meaning, it has always been there, because time does not exist. The zodiac is ruled by the 7 Elohim (5 planets + Moon + Sun), who served as the blue print of all gods ever created in human history and the four creational forces of the universe (Eagle, Bull, Leo, Man = four elements, four primary �un-thought thoughts� of mind energy, as displayed in the Microsoft logo at the beginning of this blog entry), which are condensed to flesh and bones by the demiurge (the sun photonic energy), which is father sun, the exterior centre of illumination of our solar system, child of Sirius B, who imploded and thus sacrificed itself and gave �virgin birth� to Helios (thus to itself, just like Jesus, because Helios is a child of Sirius B). Thus, mind is transformed into a dream that is experienced as �reality� and projected into a cyclical process culminating in �human life�, with the interior point of illumination in the pineal gland, the black sun of Melanin, which corresponds to the universal dark matter and the oil in planet earth.
- As such, the locality of �inside the body� is just as impossible as the outside, because there is no space and no time. But to understand this and realize it for your self, it is eternally easier to view inside, which is precisely what sages of all ages have been doing (trance, meditation, ritual, magic plants, chanting, etc.). This is why and how -- the only possible, logical explanation! -- they were able to describe planets and other phenomena that cannot be seen with the naked eye, thousands of years ago and without any Hubble telescope or organizing Mars missions. If you understand astrology and know your own body, it is a logical conclusion that there must be planets beyond Saturn and it becomes evident (by evidence of the human body) of which metal/ elements these planets must be made.
the milky way in your body
- All answers indeed lie within our selves � because inside and outside are reflections of one another and both are actually one and the same, it is just another level of the hologram. The Milky way corresponds to the Solar Plexus (see above). The Orion Nebulae (see below) is the womb of stars and contains the Akashic records � the recording of all consciousness that ever was and that ever will be. Before looking at the below Hubble Photograph for the first time, my expectation was to perhaps find a reference to Egyptian symbolism and ....see for yourself:
Pyramid with eye in the Orion Nebulae
"There are three classes of people: those who see. Those who see when they are shown. Those who do not see."
- Leonardo da Vinci
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