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What is Dubai?

Dubai, also known as, the City of Dreams, has always attracted business oriented people, but now they are attracting people for residence too! They are on their way to create a mini-universe of their own. The future is near.. Hahaha :)

Dubai in 2050

I remember, when I was in Dubai, in 1999 (not sure), an artisit designed a poster that had an envisioned image of Dubai in 2050. You can check it out below:

Dubai in 2050

And me and my friends used to laugh at the poster, that it�s impossible for Dubai to look like that. But now.. I think that�s going to be possible in just another 10-15 years!

0-14 Tower

0-14 Tower

Arabian Blade

Arabian Blade

Burj Dubai

Burj Dubai

Dancing Towers

Dubai Dancing Towers

DubaiLand Snow Dome

DubaiLand Snow Dome

Falcon City Of Wonders

Falcon City of Wonders in Dubai

Madinat Al Arab

Madinat Al Arab

Dubai Marina

Dubai Marina

Dubai Metro

Dubai Metro

Dubai Old Town

Dubai Old Town

The Opus

The Opus in Dubai

Dubai Pearl

Dubai Pearl

Dubai Renaissance

Dubai Renaissance

Dubai Sports City

Dubai Sports City

Dubai Towers

Dubai Towers

Dubai Waterfront

Dubai Waterfront

Golden Dome

Golden Dome

Dubai Hydropolis

Dubai Hydropolis

Palm Islands

Palm Island

Sports Science World

Space Science World

The Cloud

The Cloud

The World

The World in Dubai

Da Vinci Tower

The Da Vinci Tower

Arch Bridge


Dubai Mall

Dubai Mall

Dubai World Central International Airport

Dubai World Central International Airport

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